Sunday, July 29, 2012

New Stuff!

Look Look LOOK what I found this weekend!

A desk for Stanky on Craigslist for $10!  Meet Sam(antha).  Stanky informed me that his desk was NOT a girl, so we compromised, though he still insists on Optimus.  I thought this little one looked a bit rough, you know, bullied and pushed around, sorta like Sam in the first Transformers. But remember how Sam came into his own, got a totally hot girlfriend and saved the world?  Yeah, it's like that.

Now meet Rowena.  She was sitting amid a sea of unremarkable 1980's blonde-wood chairs at the local swap meet.  I've been looking for Ro absolutely everywhere, and here she was!  Grumpasaur wasn't sold on her, but, for 10 bucks, I'm going to try to bring her back into her glory!  *Update - She's decided on a color, and we've agreed on her new dress, so she's next on my 'To Do' list, right along with prying out the eleventy 10-penny nails used to tack down that horrible faux-leather.

And lastly (for now), meet my lil' black table.  It's not spoken to me yet, so remains nameless.  I'm pretty sure some misguided soul tried, but unfortunately, the bad black paint and horrible textured spray on the tray top aren't working.  But I do have a rescue plan, so stay tuned!

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