Saturday, November 2, 2013

Bits & Bobs from Here and There

Howdy!  I know, it's been a while.  But I've not been idle!  Here are a few shots of what I've been up to:

I tore apart my close-to-15-years-old fall wreath and updated with some junk I had lying around:

We got Drama a bunk bed and I was banished from the room whilst the manly men in my life assembled it.

Decorating the yard was taken over by no less than 7 little boys from around the 'hood.  They had a blast!

And a trip to the lake for my Dad's birthday at the end of September.

I've had a few more things cooking, like working with Frog Tape Shape Tape for the first time, using my E6000 glue on a glass project, and trying to keep my pretty fall decor from being ruined by said manly men.

What have you been up to?